This is so short, we had trouble deciding what to call it. In the end we settled for mini-blog.
We recently ran this advert in the Surrey Business Expo exhibition guide.
The message is simple, make sure that your business has an appropriate level of insurance.
As part of our service we regularly review the requirements of our existing clients and we are always happy to offer a full, comprehensive review of business insurance cover for non-clients completely free of charge.
At the end of the day, all responsible insurance brokers want every business to be covered properly…so whether you choose to use H2i, go with your current broker or choose somebody new, our message is very clear.
Make sure that your business is appropriately covered…do not become an anecdote or cautionary tale!
We should also add a special note for builders and contractors to check the details of your Professional Indemnity cover, it remains one of the most commonly misunderstood, and we are very sad to say miss-sold areas of insurance.
If you are in any doubt or have any questions please call and we will say it again, this time in bold…We are always happy to complete a full policy review entirely free of charge.
Don’t put it off, call or email today!