Signs of a second wave

Recently Boris Johnson warned that there are signs of a “second wave” of coronavirus infections emerging in Europe. As such, you should start planning today so that your business is properly prepared for a second wave. The first wave was completely unexpected and caught many off guard and now is the time to reflect on what you have learnt, what you would do differently, and how you can be better prepared if a second wave does occur.

Review Government Guidance

Similar to the first wave of COVID-19 cases, governmental guidance will play a large role in how your organisation should respond to a second wave of COVID-19 cases.

Review Your Organisational Risks

Similar to conducting a risk assessment for planning to reopen following the first wave of COVID-19 cases, your organisation should conduct a risk assessment in preparation for a re-emergence of COVID-19 cases. While the complexity of risk assessments will differ from business to business, they typically involve the following steps:

  1. Identifying the hazards
  2. Deciding who may be harmed by a second wave of cases and how
  3. Assessing risks
  4. Controlling risks
  5. Monitoring the results

The HSE have provided information on how to work safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19 Outbreak) and what to include in your COVID-19 Risk Assessment.



Prepare Now to Stay Safe Later

Due to the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, rules and regulations are constantly changing. You should be prepared to change your business practices if needed to maintain critical operations. For more information on how to keep your business, employees and customers safe whether a second wave of COVID-19 cases occurs or not, contact us today.

The government has published specific guidance for industries or sectors on GOV.UK.

There is also Coronavirus information for people and businesses in Scotland on the Scottish Government website, Wales on the Welsh Government website and Northern Ireland on the nidirect website.