Whether you describe the current business conditions as uncertain or unprecedented, one thing is for sure…now is not the time to lose concentration.

Many businesses are experiencing what some commentators euphemistically refer to as ‘challenges’ but here at H2i we prefer the rather more honest ‘difficulties’, though we hope new opportunities too.

We must be practical and say that while some companies are reporting massive growth in sales and profits, very many others are facing uncertain futures.

Businesses owners are dealing with changes in working arrangements, a shift from office based to home-working, contract re-negotiations, salary adjustments and sadly, job losses.

It is not our job to point out the glaringly obvious, neither are we here to promote scare stories, far from it, we see our job as custodians of the normal, the details, the everyday issues that need to be addressed.

So, what do we need you to do?

Alert us at the earliest possible time to any changes in working practices, these might include the amount of people that you employ, new premises or lapsed property leases, lost clients or new clients and markets, additional or reduced services, changes to product lines, supply chain issues and company finance.

In short, anything that might affect your finances or impact on your business.

H2i clients already benefit from regular policy reviews as part of our commitment to making sure that your business is appropriately covered and that you are not paying for cover that you do not need. We also offer a full, free review service for new and potential clients, we are always delighted to help so please just get in touch.

These are indeed extraordinary times, but please whatever you do…do not take your eyes off the ordinary.

Call or email for confidential, practical advice.