‘Jack of all Trades’ is a phrase that we all know and use, normally it is meant as a veiled insult, or at best a very backhanded compliment, after all it is usually followed by, ‘master of none’.

But, did you know that the ‘master of none’ bit was only added much later and that originally, ‘Jack of all trades’ was a genuine compliment, aimed at a person that excelled in many pursuits?

Here at H2i, we describe ourselves as specialists in a number of areas of commercial insurance, but can we be a ‘Jack of all Trades, Masters of all’?

Well, we certainly strive to be.

We do indeed deal with extremely diverse market sectors, for example we help Tradespeople, Wholesalers and Retailers, Manufacturers and Part-Time Finance Directors/Consultants.

Our advice comes from over 30 years-experience in arranging cover and assisting clients with claims, getting to know the business of our clients, inside and out, understanding the unique challenges faced by professionals working in very different industries.

We should also add that these many years of experience also includes a great deal of time acting for clients on claims.

Every business that we deal with is different, of course there are some cases where cover is similar and we never over-complicate matters or offer insurance that is not entirely appropriate, but taking time to get things right is a huge part of the H2i way of doing business.

We know the questions to ask because we listen, and we listen so that we can ask the right questions.

It is vital for us to have a good understanding of your business before we offer our advice, if we believed in one-size fits all solutions, we would take our business online and let our customers fill in the forms themselves.

That is not our way at all, we offer peace of mind as well as sound, affordable and appropriate cover for you and your business.

If you would like more information about our services please call or email, we would love to help.

Clive Harrison
Managing Director, H2i Insurance Brokers
0203 3328 9999