Clive Harrison
Managing Director
Who is your hero?
Sir Winston Churchill for his vision, indefatigability… and great quotes!
Your Best quality?
I hope that I have the compassion to empathise and the application to help.
Why Insurance?
I started ‘by mistake’ a recommendation from a family friend almost 30 years ago.
Describe yourself in 5 words?
Outgoing, friendly, dogged, family man.
What rule can never be broken?
Simple. Always do what’s the best for the client.
Anything else that H2i clients should know?
I’m an open book, ask me anything.
With more than 32 years experience Clive Harrison enjoys a reputation among his peers for a no- nonsense approach to commercial insurance, his advice is sought by fellow professionals and such is his standing in the business that was elected President of the Insurance Institute of Guildford in 2016.
Clive is a much sought after speaker, appearing in panel discussions and any forum where his specialist knowledge can be counted upon to provide insight and add value.
Professionally agile and able to react quickly to fast moving changes in client business requirements is a skill that Clive leans upon heavily.
H2i take cyber security seriously, we protect your information and our business with Cyber Essentials accreditation, if you would like to know more about this most robust Government backed security initiative which includes system and penetration testing, please call or email.