Oct 15, 2021 | Insurance, Property
A sustained rise in construction costs this year is increasing the likelihood of significant underinsurance of buildings in the UK. Recent data from RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com has highlighted how on average, buildings are covered for just 68% of the amount they should...
Oct 15, 2021 | employers, General, Insurance
And when you need employers’ liability insurance. What is a labour only subcontractor? Labour only subcontractors are usually hired to assist with a build project when extra help is required. Labour only subcontractors become part of your team and work under your...
Oct 4, 2021 | employers, Insurance
Recruitment is a serious business for any company, particularly in my opinion for SME’s involved in the provision of professional services. So that will be H2i then. We are a successful and growing business, this growth has been steady rather than spectacular, but...
Feb 4, 2021 | General, Insurance
Check if you’re likely to be covered Clients with business interruption (BI) insurance can now refer to a policy checker provided by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Based on the outcome of the FCA test case, the online tool is a general guide aimed at...
Jan 26, 2021 | General, Insurance
Supreme Court hands down its judgment On 15 January, the Supreme Court handed down its judgment on the FCA’s business interruption test case. It remains the case that most SME business interruption (BI) policies are focused on property damage and only have basic cover...